Band Vision: To develop lifelong Excellence through a challenging Music Education experience.
At Trinity High School, students receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically personally, and musically. Families are also welcomed into a dynamic and supportive community.
Trinity High School Bands, under the direction of Mr. Joshua Dickens, offers 4 levels of Band. Those levels are Beginning, Intermediate, Honors, and Advanced.
CONCERT BAND: Students coming into the band program, as ninth graders should sign-up for Concert Band. The Concert Band curriculum gives students time to mature and grow as musicians, without being overly competitive or pressured to perform. Fundamentals and basics, especially with regard to process and consistency, are emphasized in this class. Concert Band enrolls 9th through 12th grade students and students must register for both Fall and Spring semesters.
SYMPHONIC WINDS: This is an advanced class for which an AUDITION is required! Students are expected to practice and perform at the highest level. Maturity is expected and we hope to challenge the students musically, intellectually, technically and conceptually. Symphonic Winds enrolls 9th through 12th grade students and students must register for both Fall and Spring semesters.
HONORS BAND(OPTIONAL): Here at THS we are able to give two semesters of Honors Credit to students participating in either band class. Honors Band functions as a “class within a class” meeting at the same time as the Symphonic Winds class. In addition to expectations for the Symphonic Winds band students are expected to prepare for, and take auditions for All- County and NC All-District Bands. Mr. Dickens' permission is required prior to registering for this course. Once approved students must register for both Fall and Spring semesters.
ADDITIONAL BAND OFFERINGS: Mr. Dickens organizes other before and after school music opportunities for students including the Following:
Jazz Band that generally starts up after marching season goes on the relaxed schedule.
Small Ensembles of Brass Quintet(s), Woodwind Quintet(s), Sax Quartet, Flute Quartet and Clarinet Choir to name just a few.